A brief introduction to the production process of sweaters

Procurement of raw materials into the factory → Raw material inspection → Test piece → Shock counting process → Weaving → Check piece → Sewing → Picking and collision → Check seam → (Dyeing) → Washing water → After finishing the finished garment → Initial inspection → Repair → Re inspection → QC quality inspection → Packaging → Packaging and warehousing

After the raw material enters the factory and is stored, the testing and laboratory department shall promptly extract samples to inspect the calibrated linear density, evenness of the yarn count, color fastness, and other items. Only when they meet the requirements can they be put into use. Most of the woolen yarn entering the factory is in the form of twisted yarn, which needs to go through a winding process to become a suitable roll for knitting and weaving on a flat knitting machine. The semi-finished garment pieces after weaving are inspected and enter the finished garment process. The ready to wear workshop performs mechanical or manual stitching according to the process requirements. According to the characteristics of the product, the ready to wear process also includes finishing processes such as pulling, shrinking, and embroidery. Finally, it undergoes inspection, ironing and shaping, retesting and sorting, and is packaged and stored in a graded manner.

The purpose of raw material inspection is to directly affect the quality of the product by measuring the deviation in line density, uniformity of the raw material, moisture regain, and color fastness. Therefore, when inspecting the raw materials and discovering problems, the process can be revised in a timely manner, and technical measures can be taken to prevent affecting the quality of the finished product.

The purpose and requirements of the preparation process are to send various woolen yarns to the woolen sweater factory, most of which are in the form of twisted yarns and cannot be directly woven and processed on a knitting machine; At the same time, there are various defects and impurities on these yarns that will affect the quality and yield of weaving. Therefore, the purpose of the preparation process is to wind the twisted yarn into a cylindrical form to meet the needs of yarn unwinding in weaving production; Remove defects and impurities from the surface of the yarn, and apply wax treatment to the yarn to make it soft and smooth; According to the process requirements, twist and twist the woolen yarn to improve its fastness and increase the thickness of the woolen fabric. When winding, the elasticity and elongation of the yarn should be maintained as much as possible, with uniform tension and smooth unwinding.

Weaving is the main process in the production of woolen sweaters, and there are two types of weaving machinery: horizontal and circular machines. Due to the relative advantages of flat knitting machines, such as the use of increasing or decreasing the number of stitches to weave clothing pieces that are suitable for the human body, which can be made into clothing without cutting, saving raw materials and reducing production processes. There are also many changes in patterns, and it is convenient to change varieties. Therefore, most woolen sweater enterprises choose flat knitting machines for weaving. However, due to the characteristics of fast speed and high output, circular machines are also receiving increasing attention from some manufacturers.

According to the type of woolen sweater weaving, it can be divided into two categories: fully formed and cut. Fully formed weaving uses needle insertion and needle retraction techniques to achieve the desired shape and size of various parts. After weaving, it can be made into clothing without the need for cutting, and is often used to weave high-end products made from animal fibers. Cutting can be divided into two methods: partial cutting and overall cutting. Partial cutting generally adopts a stepped needle cutting (removing the needle and covering the needle) process at the shoulder and sleeve hilltop, and then partial cutting is used to obtain the desired shape and size. The cutting loss is small, and the yield can be increased. This method is often used to weave fine needle pitch fabrics, jacquard fabrics, and other high-end products for whole wool. Overall cutting generally refers to the process of weaving a piece of cloth into a circular machine and obtaining the desired shape and size entirely through cutting. This method has high cutting losses and is generally used in low-end raw materials. After the garment pieces produced on the horizontal machine are taken off the machine, they must undergo a piece by piece inspection to meet the requirements before entering the garment production process. The content of clothing piece inspection includes the specifications of the clothing piece (such as the length of the single piece, the length of the rib, the number of clamping rotations, and the number of stitches collected), the weight of the single piece, and the appearance quality. The appearance quality includes missing stitches, flower stitches, and cut edge single threads.

The density and specifications of the garment pieces should be inspected only after they have fully retracted. During the weaving process, the garment pieces are subjected to longitudinal stretching by threading boards, hanging hammers, etc., combined with the tension during weaving, resulting in significant differences in the density and size of each part of the garment pieces after being removed from the machine compared to the actual requirements of the finished product. Therefore, the garment pieces after being removed from the machine can only reflect the actual density and specifications after being left to stand for a certain period of time and no longer shrink. However, this natural retraction (relaxation contraction) method takes a long time, and various external pressure methods are often used in practical operations, such as clumping, whipping, and curling, to quickly retract the garment pieces

